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Oak Kalambo

Dimensions (mm): 190 x 400-1200 (mix długości) x 7

Catalogue No. 1H1000003

The airy feel about this grey floor makes the interior brighter for unlimited design opportunities. In an open space, this colour is perfect for a modern kitchen and a fashionable dining room. The whole enthuses modern elegance.

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Product information


Product features
Lengthwise joint: 2G
Header joint: 2G
Suitable for under-floor heating: no
Staining: no
Wood species: Oak
Hardness [kg/mm2]: 754
Dimensions boards
Width [mm]: 190
Length [mm]: 400-1200 (mix długości)
Thickness [mm]: 7
Number of boards in a pack: 6-8 szt.
Number of m2 in a pack: 1368
Pack weight [kg]: 18,59
Number m2 in a pallet: 7524
Warranty: 30 lat (mieszkania), 5 lat (obiekty użyteczności publicznej)

