Barlinek’s customers have now planted over 10 million trees!


Barlinek's customers have now planted over 10 million trees!

The trees are planted as part of Barlinek's own eco-programme known as the 1 for 1 Principle. For each pack of Barlinek board sold, the company co-finances the purchase of 1 seedling. The scheme has been in operation since 2000 in Poland, Ukraine and Russia.

The 1 for 1 Principle

The inspiration behind the 1 for 1 Principle was the idea of compensating nature for the valuable raw material which is wood. The company uses it to produce floors and skirting boards, as well as biofuel – wood pellet and fireplace briquette.
The first tree was planted in the Bogdaniec Forest Inspectorate in Lubuskie province in 2000. Since then Barlinek's Customer Forest has been systematically expanding. In 2012 alone nearly 1.7m trees were planted in Poland. Planting is currently taking place in the Sulęcin Forest Inspectorate (Lubuskie province). There are also trees planted as part of the programme growing in Western Pomerania, Pomerania and Wielkopolska province.  
"This programme is very important for us. Along with our customers we are doing something for the environment which has measurable, tangible effects. Over 10 million trees have now been planted in Poland alone, and the oldest are now 13 years old," summarises Dorota Karbowska, Marketing Manager at Barlinek S.A.
Since 2007 the project has also been conducted in Ukraine, where the company has its second factory (after the one in Barlinek).

Barlinek's other eco-programmes

The 1 for 1 Principle is not Barlinek's only ecological initiative. The company is also co-financing the programme run by the Sokół (Falcon) Association for Wild Animals and Barlinek Forestry Inspectorate to restore the peregrine falcon population in the forest. Thanks to the activity undertaken over the past few years it has been possible to return as many as 47 of these endangered birds to Barlinek's forests. The funds gathered this year have enabled another 8 to be bought.
Barlinek also takes care of the famous Oak Bartek, allocating finances for the renovation work necessary to save this most famous monument to Polish nature.