Barlinek ranks among the most worthy companies in Poland according to Forbes magazine!
Forbes magazine has, for the sixth time, announced the list of the largest Polish private companies in Poland in 2021. Barlinek was ranked 36th among the 100 best-rated domestic companies in terms of market value.

Every year, from 2016, the opinion-making Forbes magazine announces the ranking of the 100 Largest Polish Private Companies. It is compiled in cooperation with Haitong Bank, and based on the Enterprise Value, “EV” indicator. Companies are, therefore, listed according to their estimated market value. The list takes into account companies with a majority of Polish capital (the majority of shares owned by a Polish entrepreneur or a group of such persons acting jointly) and those in which the entrepreneur has a minority share, but is the founder of the company, actively manages it or controls it through the supervisory board, and no foreign investor controls more than 50 per cent of the shares. The percentage increase in the value of the company over the previous year is also listed.
In 2021, for the first time in the history of the listing, all the companies in it are worth more than PLN 1 billion. Given the present pandemic, periodic lockdowns and the global economic crisis, these figures are all the more impressive.
– For the sixth time, we are publishing the Ranking of the Largest Polish Private Companies and for the sixth time it is a record. Since the outbreak of the pandemic, businesses created by the best Polish entrepreneurs have grown by 133 billion zlotys. What is more, they have never before grown at such a frenetic pace – says the publication of the ranking on the pages of Forbes magazine.
According to Forbes, Barlinek, the company owned by the richest Pole Michał Sołowow, has been once again listed among the 100 Largest Polish Private Companies. The high, 36th place in the ranking moves the company eight points higher than it was last year, when Barlinek took the 43rd place. The company also recorded an impressive increase in value compared to last year, by as much as 43% and it is estimated to be PLN 2,575 million.