Hygge (“huu-ge”) is a word which defines the lifestyle philosophy that makes the Danes the world’s happiest nation. It means natural bliss, relaxation and peace. In a word, everything that puts us in a good mood. This single unassuming word has recently found a place in our dictionaries as well, it seems, as our lives. A new trend has been born — from now on everyone is hygging.

Taking a look at the main tenets of Hygge, defined as the practice of creating a friendly and cosy environment to influence our mood, most people if not everyone try in one way or another to shape the interior of their home or introduce daily rituals to feel relaxed and peaceful after a long day. For some this will mean soft colours or a Zen style bathroom, for others a warm blanket, candles and hot chocolate. Contact with natural materials such as wood or flax has a calming effect on most people. To each their own hygge. Everyone has to provide their own answer to what gives them joy, happiness and rest. Some unwind alone with a book, others find yoga relaxing and for some it is meeting their closest friends round a campfire. There is one common denominator, though – nothing should be forced because it’s the “done thing”.

photos: Pinterest

So how do you take care of your own Hygge? This state is affected to a great degree by your environment, which is why it’s so important to arrange your home according to your aesthetic tastes and lifestyle. So that time spent in the living room at the end of the day means pleasure, the colour of the bedroom walls isn’t annoying, and the kitchen makes eating a joy. If you eat in restaurants you don’t need a large dining room. On the other hand if you enjoy meeting friends and watching a match or film together, it’s worth having the appropriate space in your living room. Don’t be afraid to make your interior the way you need it. Don’t blindly follow trends, let trendsetters’ ideas provide at most some inspiration to create interiors that match your soul. Then, in these surroundings with a glass of wine or mug of hot cocoa, you’ll experience hygge every day.


Front hall — remember this is the “transition zone” between the world outside and inside your home. Most importantly it is a kind of greeting for you and your guests, so right at the threshold there is a lot you can do. Remember it should be nice but also practical, bric-a-brac should be banished to cupboards and clothes kept in the wardrobe — the coat hanger is for guests. If you have problems with your keys every day, give them their own space. Smile at your reflection in the mirror and be glad that you’re at home.

photos: Pinterest

Kitchen — hygge follows pleasure, so this place should be inviting, promising that what is created inside is real and natural. Decorate it usefully — vases are fine, but with herbs — pleasantly and practically. The kitchen is for creating, every chef knows that ascetically clean worktops are no promise of stimulation for the taste buds. We can all remember the smell of the cakes our grandmothers baked, it is worth cultivating tradition so that our children also have such memories of the family home.



Living room — this place is never associated with loneliness. Hygge encourages you to spend time with your nearest and dearest. In Scandinavian culture the home is a safe haven where the family gathers its strength, and the living room is a place which unites – karaoke together, films on DVD, or just lazing in front of the fireplace. The most expected reaction is for your guests to get comfortable on the sofa or in a chair, snuggling up in a blanket. There is no greater compliment for a host than seeing that guests feel just as good as they do in their own living room.

photos: Pinterest

Bedroom — this is the most intimate part of the home, it should be agreed that this is also where you should be able to recharge your batteries and throw everything off, both literally and metaphorically. A comfortable bed is probably the only requirement, the whole interior should be genuine, just the way you like it — there is nothing to hide here, it’s only yours and nobody else is looking.

photos: Pinterest,

Remember – nature and naturalness above all else. Surround yourself with what’s real, accept no alternatives either in your home or your life. Nobody likes artificial chocolate.



author: Barlinek Institute of Design in collaboration with